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Thursday, 30 October 2014

Why Men?

If you find yourself asking why the emphasis is often placed on men when the issue of the breakdown of a marriage or relationship crops up, the answer to your question is… A man is the head of the family, he’s supposed to lead his wife in a way which God approves, protect her, provide her needs (I’m not just talking about material needs) and love her unconditionally. There’s a standard which has been set to guide every man. That standard is the one set by Jesus Christ and His love for the Church, that He gave His life for her. (Ephesians 5:25-30)

Dear young man, you may not be married to that special lady yet but if she’s worth keeping, treat her right. You can still show love even if you can’t afford luxurious gifts. Checking up on her daily, offering to carry the shopping, making a cup of tea if you can’t cook etc. She may not be complaining but that doesn’t mean she doesn’t know the standard which has been set. Believe it or not, the most patient girl who loves you more that you think she does will reach breaking point if you keep ignoring her and making her feel like you don’t value her. She knows her worth. She will go where she is valued. She is not yet your wife so she is free to leave a man who cannot prove himself worth marrying. Love and respect go hand in hand. If you set a good example in your role as a leader, she will not have a reason to disrespect you (Ephesians 5:33).
You may not be so fortunate to get a girl as good as her the next time (just as there are good girls, there are bad girls). Please do yourself a favour and get off your high horse before it’s too late. MAN UP! https://twitter.com/tomyfutwife/status/443089751545896960
Remember a woman is God’s gift to a man. When someone gives you a gift and you don’t value it, you either don’t get one as good the next time or you get none at all. SHE IS DOING YOU A FAVOUR BY MARRYING YOU. Think about it!
P.s: I don’t hold anything against guys. There are some ‘supermen’ who set great examples by living up to the standard ( the one set by Jesus Christ through His love for the church). This note is to those performing below the standard and are still fortunate to have the patient good girl. She will leave if you don’t MAN UP! So stop insulting her intelligence. She’s wise enough to know not to marry you if you won’t change. When your time is up, she’ll walk out and won’t come back even if she’s been back in the past. So stop making the same mistakes over and over again.

Take care and stay blessed,
Rachel A-Kumi
Twitter: workmanofjesus

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