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Tuesday 21 October 2014

Remind Me

Dear God,

I know I’m supposed to give You thanks in all situations (Ephesians 5:20). But Lord, we both know that’s not what I do. As soon as I am pushed a little bit out of my comfort zone, I start to worry. You’ve told me not to worry because you will provide all my needs. So Lord, whenever I forget to stop worrying, please remind me that You are with me and that You’ve provided all my needs even before I have asked. Help me be concerned about Your Kingdom and what You require of me. Please help me remember that You will provide me with all what I need. I therefore needn’t worry about the future. All I need to do is pray and You’ll hear me because You are always with me. You have confirmed this in Your Word (Matthew 6:33-34, Philippians 4:6) so I put all my trust in You. Thank You for loving me, in spite of my short comings.

Your daughter,

Rachel A-Kumi

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