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Tuesday 21 October 2014

A Tale of Two Worlds

Very often we hear people criticising us for our past mistakes. It’s so easy to live in self-pity and shame. No one is perfect. However, when we give our lives to Jesus Christ, we can be assured that our sins are forgiven. Those mistakes we made several years ago cannot have a hold on us. No matter what anyone says about us, all we have to remind ourselves is that God has declared that HE WILL SHOW US MERCY AND HE WILL NOT REMEMBER OUR SINS ANY MORE (Hebrews 8:12). So if God who is the most powerful supernatural being that has ever existed has chosen to forgive and wipe away our sins, why then would we let mere mortals who cannot even prevent their own death condemn us?! There is no condemnation is Jesus Christ because of the grace and mercy which God shows us through His love for us (Romans 8:1). This is the good news. So which world do you want to live in? The world of condemnation OR the world of God’s grace and mercy?
Take care and stay blessed,
Rachel A-Kumi
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Blogger: www.workmanofjesus.blogspot.com

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